Monday 15 June 2015

Summer 1

Hello everyone,
Have a look at all the exciting things we've been up to so far this summer term...

We had great fun at ice skating and although we were wobbly at first, by the end of our five weeks tuition we could go forwards, backwards and even weave in and out of obstacles!!

Here we are weaving in and out of cones!

We handled real Egyptian artifacts at the Manchester Museum, 
Some of them were over 5,000 years old! 

We celebrated Jessica's baptism in church and then had a class party afterwards.

We held a learning cafe for parents about our new topic the Stone Age.
We created pots and cave art.

So as you can see the start of the Summer Term was full of exciting learning opportunities and
now we are looking forward to attending a special Mass at St.Mary's with other year 3 children from Catholic schools in Blackpool.

We are also looking forward to a visit from Mr Bennett who will tell us how we can help save 
Orphan Orangutans in the Borneo rain forests.
We will visit Global Renewables to learn about what we can
do to recycle and also take part in sports day on the 1st July!

Watch out for pictures!