Wednesday 28 September 2016

Dentist visit


We had a great visit today from Mr Kilcoyne the local Dentist.

We were shown how to look after our teeth properly and reminded of how important it is to brush regularly and visit the Dentist every 6 months.

We amazed Dr Kilcoyne with our fabulous work we've been doing in science.

He was amazed by how welcome he was made, our manners and enthusiasm!

Keep up the brushing everyone!

Here are our newly elected School Council Reps...

By the way it was GREAT to see so many of you at my after school Drop in on Tuesday!

The Drop in's are every week so feel free to come along.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Autumn 1 September 2016


We are all ready and waiting for you in Year 3.
We can't wait and we will look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Love Mrs Kilcoyne & Mrs Parkinson