Friday 10 April 2015

Happy Easter Everyone! Hope you've enjoyed the sunshine this holiday.
I hope you are as excited as Mrs Parkinson and myself about Ice Skating this Monday 13th April! Don't forget to wear your joggers and bring your gloves.

We're also looking forward to our Manchester Museum visit on the 22nd April and I'm sure we're going to have a great half term.

Here's some of the exciting things we got up to last half term...

Celebrating World Book Day, Didn't we all look great!

Busy learning about fractions.

Investigating friction

Finding out about angles.

As part of our maths, we looked at the angles and parallel lines found in 
Mondrian's work and re-created our own artwork in his style.

Some of us had artwork in the Seasiders exhibition and we went along to
have a look!

We prepared a Palm Sunday assembly for the school.

Well Done everyone! 

Let's get our skates on for another exciting half term!

Love Mrs Kilcoyne & Mrs Parkinson

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of World Book Day & it was lovely that we all received a copy. Thank you.
